istriku tak mau aku tiduri dan aku selingkuh dengan pembantu, sampai aku pulang dinas, aku melihat istriku ternyata !!!

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4 Model Kalung Emas Terbaru Yang Lagi Trend Saat Ini

Sekarang, ada banyak  Kalung Emas untuk wanita yang dikenali karena desainnya maupun modelnya yang berbeda-beda. Bebagai macam kalung emas itu termasuk salah satu model emas terbaru yang paling banyak diminati oleh setiap wanita. Kini  di berbagai toko perhiasan emas tersedia  dalam bentuk model emas desainer eksklusif. Jika Anda ingin membeli kalung emas, maka anda akan melihat beragamnya model emas, seperti gelang emas, kalung emas terbaru, gelang emas keroncong , gelang emas rantai dan lain sebagainya.
banyak para wanita melindungi perhiasan emasnya dan merawatnya dengan sangat baik. Inilah sebabnya mengapa kalung emasnya tetap bersinar baru untuk waktu yang lama. Cintanya dan semangatnya untuk emas memastikan bahwa dia tidak pernah membiarkan debu sekecil apapun tetap berada di atasnya. Begitu dia kembali dari pestanya; itu dihapus bersih dan disimpan dengan aman di kotak perhiasannya.
Gambar Kalung Emas mungkin adalah bagian paling bagus dari lemari pakaian wanita mana pun sejak usia. Ada beberapa gambar kalung emas yang sudah berevolusi lebih dan hari ini, jenis kalung emas terbaik adalah seperti model kalung emas terbaru, model kalung emas 3 gram, model kalung emas putih dan model kalung emas 24 karat. Saya pribadi sebagai latar belakang pekerjaan saya sebagai tukang emas dengan bangga membanggakan koleksi karya desain saya yang hadir dengan berbagai pola, gaya dan ukuran yang sesuai untuk setiap wanita tunggal yang ingin memiliki perasaan unik membawa gambar kalung emas dengan ketenangan dan keanggunan.
Beberapa Model Kalung Emas Yang lagi Trend 

1. Model Kalung Emas Terbaru 

Model kalung emas merupakan bagian integral dari kehidupan perempuan karena ini adalah aksesori yang meningkatkan dan melambangkan keindahan dan kepribadian setiap perempuan semaksimal mungkin. Di antara beragam jenis perhiasan yang ada saat ini, kalung emas  adalah salah satu yang paling berharga dan menarik untuk dibeli untuk dipakai. Bahkan, seorang wanita terus bermimpi memiliki model kalung emas terbaru yang semata-mata akan menandakan gayanya sendiri dengan cara yang unik. Oleh karena itu, mendapatkan model kalung emas untuk wanita bisa menjadi hadiah terbaik yang bisa diberikan seseorang atas nyonya kehidupan. berikut model kalung emas terbaru yang lagi trend saat ini. 

2. Model Kalung emas 3 Gram

Ada berbagai desain model kalung emas 3 gram dengan berbagai pola, bentuk, ukuran dan biaya sehingga siapa pun dengan anggaran yang layak dapat meninggalkan dengan senang hati dari toko perhiasan dengan membawa kalung emas  yang diinginkan yang ingin Anda kenakan begitu lama. Anda bisa melihat-lihat di berbagai toko di mana Anda bisa melihat ornamen berdasarkan pilihan filter dengan cara yang lebih sistematis. berikut ini model kalung emas 3 gram.

Harga Kalung Emas 3 Gram
No Kualitas kalung emas Harga Jual Harga Beli
1 2 karat Rp 93.133 Rp 16.933
2 5 karat Rp 156.633 Rp 80.433
3 10 karat Rp 262.467 Rp 186.267
4 20 karat Rp 474.133 Rp 397.933
5 24 karat Rp 558.800 Rp 482.600

Harga Kalung Emas 5 Gram
No Kualitas kalung emas Harga Jual Harga Beli
1 2 karat Rp 96.133 Rp 19.933
2 5 karat Rp 159.633 Rp 99.433
3 10 karat Rp 269.467 Rp 199.267
4 20 karat Rp 479.133 Rp 399.933
5 24 karat Rp 564.800 Rp 499.600

Note : Harga bisa berubah-ubah tergantung harga pasaran dalam setiap hari

3. Model Kalung Emas Putih
Sekarang banyak tersedia kalung emas putih diberbagai toko perhiasan dengan desain unik. Sementara belanja kalung emas putih Anda memiliki berbagai macam harga yang ditawarkan juga dan berbeda dengan harga emas yang lain, jadi ini berarti Anda tidak perlu mengeluarkan banyak uang setiap saat. Harga terjangkau memastikan bahwa Anda dapat dengan mudah menjadi pemilik kalung emas putih yang indah. Berikut ini model kalung emas putih.

4. Model Kalung Emas 24 Karat

Sebuah kalung emas 24 karat menanamkan tampilan yang mengesankan pada keseluruhan tampilan seorang wanita. Setiap wanita yang mengenakan kalung emas yang indah pasti akan memiliki perasaan luar biasa sama sekali. Jadilah itu untuk keperluan rutin atau acara spesial, model kalung emas 24 karat yang indah mungkin hanya menjadi rangkaian yang Anda inginkan untuk memberi hadiah kepada wanita Anda karena membuatnya paling bahagia di dunia ini. berikut ini model kalung emas 24 karat.

Itulah 4 model kalung emas terbaru yang lagi trend saat ini hingga tahun yang akan datang bagi seorang wanita dan menanamkan kreativitas dalam desain maupun model kalung emas yang sesuai.

Forex Trading for Beginners | Start Trading for Beginners‎

Forex Money Managers are online managed Forex accounts that offer to manage, trade the markets on behalf of clients in Forex. Forex fund managers are ready to provide their services to you. It goes without saying that this option gives investors a great number of advantages due to the fact that vast majority of managed Forex accounts make more cash when compared with ordinary retail investors.

For an average retail Forex trader who is just starting out in Forex trading, it forms a rather difficult activity to master Forex trading. Most novice Forex traders fail within a couple of months. It must be pointed out that most novice Forex traders lose money not only when trading currencies but also when dealing with managed Forex accounts which fail to be reputable. The problem is that finding a really reputable and high performing money manager is rather a challenging exercise but worth the efforts

Benefits of a Forex money manager 
The significant benefits of choosing to invest through Forex fund managers is that investors don't need to come to the table with huge investments in order to access this particular managed Forex accounts. The general assumption is that a vast majority of managed Forex accounts require investors to invest at least one million dollars. While this is true, but in most cases managed Forex accounts require only a $5,000 approximately to get started. One of the key benefits of managed Forex accounts is that an investor retains the full control over their investment.

A Forex fund manager is one of the most sought after commodity, as more people look to the Forex markets to increase returns on their portfolios. So why hire a Forex money manager to look after your funds? in the first instance, it is the belief that they will make you money. So what would compel investors to choose a Forex money manager and how, in practice, can a Forex money manager help to assist an investor get superior returns? The fact that investors get the ability to access the complex and volatile world Forex trading with a small amount well managed in expert hangs with low deposits of $5,000 gets you in to most managed Forex accounts.

Forex money managers offer retail investors a lot of possibilities to invest in the Forex market, where before they just didn't exist. Finding a reputable and high performing foreign exchange manager can sometimes be hard, but it well worth the search.

Why choose a Forex money manager 
Having your investment looked after by a Forex money manager offers a variety of possibilities and advantages for the retail investor. Most Forex fund managers do make more money than an ordinary retail investor. Questions as to why so many people are now investing with a Forex money manager or why hire a Forex money manager to look after your funds are best answered below 

In the first instance, it is the belief that they will make you money
On average most novice Forex traders tend to lose their investments with the first 3 months
Investors either tend to switch back to investing in stocks, or can look to find a suitable Forex money manager to manage their money in the Forex market.
Finding a decent and high performing foreign currency manager can sometimes be hard, but it well worth the search.

So what is so great about these so called managed Forex accounts? Opting to make use of a managed Forex account gives investors the access to quality Forex fund managers who have the requisite experience. On the higher end of the scale, there are fund managers that require investors to put in atleast a minimum of a million dollars, but at the same time a majority of managed Forex accounts seek retail investors to access the potential gains of the currency market with as little as $5,000.

So what are the advantages of investing in a managed Forex account, and how, in practice, can a Forex money manager help to assist an investor get superior returns? For starters, investors don't need to be a millionaire to access a managed Forex account. However, with the majority of managed Forex accounts, retail investors can access the potential high returns of the currency market with as little as $5000.

Forex money managers are paid a percentage of the profits they generate. For example, if you make $100 in the Forex market, the manager might keep $20 or $30 of it as a performance fee. Although the performance fees might seem a bit too high, remember that you might not have made any profit in the first place if not for trading with the help of a Forex money manager. And in the same note, if the Forex money manager does not make any money in your account, you typically do not have to pay for the service. This is basically a no win no gain kind of a business model and a choice that novice traders with disposable investments can look to in order to maximize their returns.

Sophie is an editor with a leading financial and investment portal for forex and binary options trading. With daily market analysis, currency technical and fundamental analysis and breaking business news, visit to gain an insight into the Forex, currency and binary options markets.

10 Most Frequently Asked Questions on Forex

1. What is the best Forex platform?

There is no one way to answer such a question. This will of course depend on the trader, in accordance with his preference, knowledge, experience as well as what he intends to trade (which financial instrument). Many intermediate-experienced traders, especially when trading on the currency market, prefer to use platforms such as MT4 or C-Trader which are designed mostly for Forex trading, as well as CFD trading, and for someone with some knowledge of the trading market.

Others, more novice traders would prefer the use of such platforms as ones found from Easy-Forex, iForex, or eToro, where limited math/ computational knowledge is required for their use and are a lot more straightforward to use.

More advanced/ experienced traders, which may also prefer access to multiple markets would prefer to use such brokers as Interactive Brokers or SAXO Bank's SAXO Trader. Such platforms usually contain much more advanced charting/ analytical tools (although to be fair most analytical tools can also be obtained from MT4/ C-Trader) and also give access to thousands of instruments including Equities, ETF's, Swaps trading etc; and are designed with the ability to effectively allow traders to partake in such markets.

2. Forex Trader: What is the best way to do forex trading?

If you've looked into trading forex then you have most doubtable been exposed to all the various opportunities to make money and are wondering which is the best way to learn forex trading. First of all, the foremost thing I would advise is to get a Forex Education. There are countless material on Forex in the internet for newcomers as well as experienced traders - all you need to do is search. Spend some time reading up on how forex trading works, the concepts behind trades and how prices are impacted by economic and political conditions.

Secondly you must get some experience, if you want to learn forex trading, it's the only way. To begin with it is prudent for this to be on a demo account. This will give you a good technical foundation on the mechanics of making forex trades and get used to using a trading platform.

After having traded for some time on a demo account it is very important to also use a Real one, albeit with little investment amount - find a broker that will accept lower sized trades (0.01 lots for FX) so that you can get a real feel for the live market. It is a whole different game trading on a demo and real platform, due to the psychological effect that trading with real money has. Trading small will allow you to put your money on the line, but at little risk if you make mistakes or lose money.

From there, provided you are gaining more than you are losing, you should gradually increase your trading size and invested capital, always keeping in mind it should be an amount you can afford to lose and which you feel comfortable with.

3. What is the best forex trading software?

There are a number of Forex Trading software available, all with their specific advantages and disadvantages. Many trading companies have built their own platforms while others prefer to use, and in effect White Label, existing solutions which are commonly known within the industry.

To say which one is best would be invalid as this falls on the opinion of the individual user, however there has been a clear trend in terms of popular platforms, which have proven to be favored among both novice and veteran traders. These platforms are the Metatrader 4 and C-Trader. The former has been built primarily for Forex products, while the latter has been designed to accompany other instruments such as Equities and ETF's. Both platforms are easy to use and master and come complete with full charting and technical analysis capabilities.

4. Forex Trader: How can one be a good forex trader?

If it was to be summed up in one word, the key to a good forex trader is discipline. Yes there are many things to learn and know before you make any trades or get involved in the financial industry, but one thing that must stay consistent throughout is discipline. Discipline in learning, in making your first trades and in sticking with your plan.

The basics that all new traders should follow are:

- Learn about Forex - there is an abundance of material on the net. Spend a good 1 month learning. Study Technical and fundamental analysis. Your learning should continue well into your trading and be ongoing.

- Come up with a strategy - Set rules that will determine your trading pattern and how you will enter and exit the market.

- Practice on a Demo - Open a demo account and trade as if for real. Of course this will not be 'exactly' as if you were trading on a real, due to the fact that fear of losing would not weigh in on your decisions. Do not proceed to the next step unless you can make a profit on the demo first.

- Practice on a real account with small amount - Do this so as to be able to understand the difference between trading with real money and trading on demo. Do this with substantially a small amount, but enough so that you are concerned over losing it.

- Trade on real account with substantial amount - Do this with an amount you are 'comfortable' to completely lose. Even if your strategy worked on the demo and on a real with a small amount it may not continue to do so in future. Stick to your strategy (have complete discipline). If you see the strategy is failing, then adjust your strategy accordingly, but stick to it (to the pip) at all times once it has been decided.

5. Foreign Exchange Market: Is it possible for an amateur forex trader to make sustainable profits trading forex?

Many Traders have made a living off of trading Forex and some have had very wealthy returns which have allowed them to become self-employed and leave the 9-5 work behind them. All of these traders have 1 thing in common - they all started out as an amateur forex trader! No one is born with the trading know-how; it is achieved through dedication and discipline.

So Yes! an amateur forex trader can indeed make sustainable profits from trading forex. As long as he is willing to put in the effort and has the discipline to follow through with such a commitment then there is no reason why he cannot do what others have done before him in the same shoes.

6. Forex Trader: Who is the best forex trader?

There is no one best Forex Trader - or at least there is no clear way to measure this (is it the amount one has won or the % gained from it). Also as many of the top forex traders in the world do not trade with their own money but instead funds and Company capital, it means that different psychological and risk appetite conditions exist for different traders and as such makes it bias to compare such traders success with those who trade with their own capital.

The one thing to know is that what a lot of Forex traders do have in common is their appetite for success, their diversified portfolio and willingness to take measured risk.

7. Has anyone ever made money trading FOREX?

Yes! Not only have people made money trading Forex but many have made a livelihood!

Although the majority of retail traders would not have as much success as professionals would, this is largely attributed to poor money management strategies and lack of discipline in sticking with their strategy.

With 100% discipline and a good money management strategy, there is no reason why anyone should not have a good chance in making money from trading Forex.

8. Is FOREX the best way to invest money?

It is hard to say if it would be the Best as there are numerous ways of investing money and would largely depend on what the individual is familiar with; however it is one of the best, largely to the fact that unlike stocks/ housing market - an investor can make money regardless of the how the instrument is doing by both selling/ buying that instrument (or doing both - known as hedging).

In the Stock market it is only possible to invest in the success of a stock - however in Forex you can both buy/ sell a certain currency against another and hence there is always a possibility for profit to be made.

Also the fact that Forex is commonly traded on leverage, it allows Forex trading to become one of the most volatile and hence allows for higher profits (as well as losses) to be made - if traded correctly.

9. Foreign Exchange Market: What are the best forex blogs?

There are a number of locations on the web to find a great forex related blog, in fact many brokers have their own blogs also; but in order to remain unbiased I will recommend a non-broker blog. One of the most useful blogs for both novice and veteran traders alike is at - there is a regular update on current market movement as well as an abundance of information and back-forth ideas being expressed.

10. Why do individual investors usually lose money in Forex?

The majority of retail investors end up losing money in Forex. In spite of the fact that they may receive the right training and educative material (or at least the same as some other successful traders may receive) many often fail due to bad money management rules and/or lack of discipline. The latter is the most often.

The hardest thing in Forex is not making the calculations or predicting where to enter, how much to trade and/or what your limits should be; it is sticking to your strategy and following through with 100% discipline.

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